If one word can describe the year 2020 it would be «unexpected». The facts we have seen to date confirm this claim. Research project planning must include a section that includes response actions to changes that are beyond the control of the organization or person that executes them. However, these last few months have represented a real challenge for everyone.
The immediate solution that several people applied was to stop the activities that contravened the indications of the health authorities in each country. However, the prolonged duration of the contingency has forced the majority to resume in one way or another their daily lives with the risks and costs that this represents. In general, the return to activities represented an increase in expenses on supplies such as face masks or disinfectants.
On the other hand, in large projects there were not many options. Many thought that the end of the quarantine would come in a few weeks. As there was no possibility of resuming the face-to-face celebration of large events in the short term, there was no other option but its transfer to digital media or the formal cancellation. These alternatives represented additional work and expenses, but they were not realistic and one-size-fits-all options.
As we talked about in other blog posts, this year the National Censuses were planned in Mexico and Brazil. In the Brazilian case, the survey was postponed until the following year with due delay in the availability of updated demographic data. It should not have been an easy task for the Organizing Committee, based in Rio de Janeiro, to assume this response, since it implies large investments of personnel, time and resources. A Census is one of the few exercises to collect demographic data that involves all households in a country.
A General Population Census is not an event that can be canceled just like that. Because it is the main input for decision-making in the Public Administration and a very valuable reference for market research. The cancellation of any edition cannot be allowed. Only a major conflagration could justify a measure of that magnitude. Although it is not the only massive exercise affected by the pandemic.
The Olympic Games also had to readjust their calendar. That is why the Tokyo Olympiad will have to be extended until mid-2021 in order to preserve the health of the participants and ensure the viability of the largest and most important sporting event in these times. Despite these measures, the price of this change in the international sports agenda is yet to be known.
At Acertiva, we know that market research is an activity that cannot stop. Consumers continue to meet their needs. Knowing the latter is a task that never sleeps. Postponing or canceling projects is not feasible or acceptable for brands and companies. That is why we develop a new solution that helps our clients to continue with the data and information gathering. In a few days we will release more news about it. We invite you to be aware of our communication channels to learn more.

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