Etiqueta: Tips

Fotografía de la mano de una persona respondiendo una encuesta de satisfacción a mano. Imagen de Andreas Breitling en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia da mão de uma pessoa respondendo à mão uma pesquisa de satisfação. Imagem de Andreas Breitling no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of the hand of a person answering a satisfaction survey by hand. Image by Andreas Breitling on Pixabay. (English)

4 Tips For Designing Good Questionnaires

One of the basic tasks that most market analysts tend to carry out at some point in their career is writing questionnaires. To execute this activity it is necessary to start from a deep knowledge of the objectives of the research to be resolved. Based on the latter and the available resources, we can choose one technique or another to… Leer más →

Imagen ilustrativa de un teléfono de escritorio (Español) / Imagem ilustrativa de um telefone de mesa (Português) / Illustrative image of a desk phone (English)

4 Good Practices for CATI Studies

There are multiple ways to collect data and information in Market Research. Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews are one more way. The CATI interview application will depend on many elements. They were an effective way to continue research at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when most of us had to stay at home. They are also an alternative when there… Leer más →

Foto de un pan y mermelada (Español) / Foto de um pão e geléia (Português) / Photo of a bread and jam (English)

4 Tips for Food Market Research

Market research covers various segments. One of them is food and beverages. On some occasions, brands seek to test a new product before its launch in order to modify the formulas or recipes, investigate the organoleptic perception among potential consumers and evaluate the emotions and feelings with which they are spontaneously linked. However, developing these studies requires some essential requirements.… Leer más →

4 Tips For Applying Long Interviews

In previous posts on this blog we have insisted that field surveys that last a long time usually mean high incidences. This situation increases costs and estimated times since it implies recruiting people who are willing to collaborate with us despite the limited schedules that many of us have. Although on many occasions we would like to obtain all the… Leer más →

4 Details You Should Not Lose Sight When Executing A Market Research

Market research is a discipline. For this reason, it implies minimum quality standards for all the people and processes involved. Many times we take certain circumstances or information for granted. However, this can lead to misunderstandings and repositioning of processes that cannot always be remedied halfway. That is why we list four aspects of any project that cannot be left… Leer más →