This week the people who are dedicated to the generation of knowledge, information and marketing data celebrate our activity with a series of events. The first days of May are the opportunity to take a break from work and share experiences with colleagues from all over the world. It is also a time to reflect on the challenges that the union faces each year.
It only seems that we are overcoming the health crisis when we already have the following contingencies at the door. However, daily life continues and with it the exchange of goods and services that takes place every day and in all places. Although we have only one discipline, it is also true that in each area of the planet there are circumstances that force us to adapt techniques and tools to the local reality.
Although Latin America is a region of the world with a considerable market size, it is also an area with many contrasts and problems. For many years, the advances and trends that emerge in Europe and North America tend to arrive with delays and limitations in LATAM, but when they arrive they adapt with great enthusiasm and speed if there is no cultural opposition to them.
That said, it is timely to state some ideas about the task of market analysts in places like Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Although many countries in the region share an official language, it is true that each one of them has very particular conditions and that makes international investigations complex without having to appeal to the creativity and rigor of project designers.
With the advancement of internet coverage and mobile devices, more and more Latin Americans are permanently and constantly connected to the digital environment. Despite this, many studies that are carried out remotely or that depend on a stable connection to the network suffer from intermittence given the data transmission infrastructure and different areas of opportunity in the users’ hardware.
In recent years, great progress has been made in the protection of sensitive personal data. Countries and Market Research Associations have established, every day with greater zeal, best good practices so that people can be certain that the information they provide to an analyst will be used exclusively for the purposes of the study that they require. It is not for less, in Latin America insecurity is a clear reality.
Political crises have also produced extreme situations in more than one country. This has made even the most skeptical to rethink what is possible and what is not in our geographical area. Although it is not correct to generalize, it is not a sterile task to see that exceptional situations are latent in different latitudes. This possibility should lead researchers in the region to contemplate more alternatives and hypotheses than in more balanced conditions.
As in the rest of the world, the long health contingency that is now being succeeded by an economic and supply contingency leads us to an environment of greater uncertainty when it comes to investing. The immediate future is somewhat confused and most of us take an attitude of reasoning before what may happen tomorrow. However, our area of the world is also conducive to innovation because on many occasions it is thanks to adversity that ideas mature in a better way.
Although our review may seem a bit gloomy, it is important to remember that Latin America is a place with people willing to work with the best of spirits and provide creative and immediate solutions to the most diverse challenges. Latin Americans are recognized around the globe for their joy, hospitality and industriousness. We are part of a world to which we contribute valuable discoveries and new alternatives for our discipline that celebrates its very existence this May 2nd.
Market Research, far from being an expense in difficult times, offers us the possibility of anticipating the days to come with evidence-based scenarios. At Acertiva we are aware of this and that is why we put at your disposal our more than 18 years of experience in the region. Write us today.

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