How Important Is The Use Of Language In Market Research?

Each language is a universe by itself. In the use and order of their words, historical and behavioral aspects of each people can be traced. The social sciences, among which we find Sociology and Geography, are very aware of this and usually dedicate several studies on the subject. Market Research is no stranger to this practice and pays a lot of attention to this topic in day-to-day practice.

When designing information gathering instruments, sufficient attention must be paid to the way questions are formulated and ideas expressed that will help consumers participate in our projects. It is for this reason that in our blog post of the week we list four aspects of great importance when we use language in our segment.

Approach. In several languages there are formulas or words that define the type of bond that the interlocutors have. In some cases it can be very formal and in others it can be defined as very familiar and close. When planning a study, it should be considered what kind of approach interviewers should have with people. Results such as the response rate and the quality of the information collected depend on this decision.

Vocabulary. There are several consumer sectors that we can address. When we focus on mass consumption products we can think of universal ways of expressing ourselves. However, it is also possible that we are faced with unions with jargon that needs to be known clearly. It is essential to be sure that all the words used are unambiguous in your understanding.

Synonyms. As we already said above, in each language there are particularities about the words that make them up. With those that have a wide variety of dictionaries, it is tempting to use many options for adjectives and concepts to offer entertaining and stimulating essays. However, before this, rational and simple use should be prioritized when writing to obtain the best results. If words with the same meaning are used, it is mandatory to verify that they are actually the same.

Loans. Depending on each culture and language, it is necessary to weight foreign words to make an idea clearly understood. In hermetic and closed cultures, words from other languages will look bad in certain scenarios; even if they are strictly essential as there are no native alternatives. On the contrary, there will be situations when foreign words will be irreplaceable for a correct uprising.

Communication between clients and Market Research agencies is an inexcusable requirement to match the objectives and scope of the writing of questionnaires, guides and support materials. In the nicest scenarios, ineffective use of language can slightly delay a given activity. In more extreme cases it can derail a session due to the inability of consumers to be on the same page as the researchers.

At Acertiva we have more than two decades of experience carrying out market understanding projects. We put our knowledge at your fingertips so that your projects in Latin America are the spearhead for your brand or company. If you have an inquiry coming up, contact us. We will respond to you with how together we will make your next success story possible.

Fotografía de un libro abierto con unos anteojos encima. Imagen de fernando zhiminaicela en Pixabay. (Español) / Fotografia de um livro aberto com óculos. Imagem de fernando zhiminaicela no Pixabay. (Português) / Photograph of an open book with glasses on it. Image by fernando zhiminaicela on Pixabay. (English)