Etiqueta: Tips

What Can Market Research Do For Your Business?

In people’s lives there are a number of events that mark a before and after. Birth, the first day of school, graduation, marriage and the arrival of children are some of the most common milestones. However, some add to this list the foundation of a business or company. Everyone is free to choose the turn and segment in which it… Leer más →

When The Impossible Becomes Possible

Reducing uncertainty in decision making is one of the main goals of Market Research. Brands and companies invest large sums to better understand their environment. Not knowing the state of the markets and the people who consume their services and products can lead to setbacks and closures. In an ideal environment, the only concern is the growth of the company… Leer más →

Cuando Lo Imposible Se Vuelve Posible

Reducir la incertidumbre en la toma de decisiones es una de las principales metas de la Investigación de Mercados. Las marcas y empresas invierten grandes sumas para conocer mejor su entorno. El no saber el estado de los mercados y a las personas que consumen sus servicios y productos puede derivar en retrocesos y cierres. En un entorno ideal la… Leer más →

How To Anticipate Before The Next Crisis?

In Latin America the word crisis is an old companion. Throughout the last decades nothing else is known than this situation. In some countries it is more evident than in others. However, no generation here knows a time that is not characterized by one conjuncture or another. Recently the COVID-19 pandemic put the world on the ropes. Today a war… Leer más →

¿Cómo Anticiparse Antes De La Próxima Crisis?

En América Latina la palabra crisis es una vieja compañera. A lo largo de las últimas décadas no se conoce otra cosa que esta situación. En algunos países es más evidente que en otros. Sin embargo, ninguna generación aquí conoce un tiempo sin que esté caracterizado por una coyuntura u otra. Recientemente la pandemia por COVID-19 puso al mundo contra… Leer más →

How To Address Sensitive Issues In Market Research?

Within the work of market analysts there are almost no limits in terms of topics that can be discussed. However, there are some topics that are difficult to access. This is due to the fact that people do not usually verbalize these issues or due to the circumstances of a given time and place in which there is not enough… Leer más →

5 Tips For Applying Questions In Market Research

An active method to learn data and information from people is to ask them directly what we need to know. This task may seem extremely simple and within everyone’s reach. However, in market research this activity requires special care. As the popular phrase goes: “in asking is giving”, analysts must be very careful and precise in the questions they ask… Leer más →

Three tips for planning for 2021

A new year brings with it an opportunity to list various resolutions to fulfill. Whether they are individuals or companies, the first days of each year invite us to reflect on the goals we want to achieve in the short, medium and long terms. We are not yet certain about the end of the global health crisis, but thanks to… Leer más →

7 tips for a good Focus Group

The show must go on says a popular saying. Despite the prevailing situation, market research has not stopped its work. In many cases the continuity of the work was given thanks to digital solutions. Focus groups are no exception. They can be held in person or online. This technique allows us to compare insights on a topic between various individuals.… Leer más →

Five tips for a good recruitment

On some occasions, carrying out a market research project involves bringing together a certain number of people who meet a certain profile. This in order to invite them to carry out an activity either online or in a research center. However, this phase represents several factors to take into account to successfully complete a given study. Therefore, we share some… Leer más →