Etiqueta: Market research

Imagen de tres mujeres de espaldas mostrando su cabello. Imagen de XxX XXX en Pixabay. (Español) / Imagem de três mulheres de costas mostrando seus cabelos. Imagem de XxX XXX no Pixabay. (Português) / Image of three women from behind showing their hair. Image by XxX XXX on Pixabay. (English)

The Woman In Market Research

This day various activities are carried out within the framework of International Women’s Day. March 8 symbolizes the fight for the recognition of women in all facets of life. This situation is preceded by inequality in access to income and equitable rights between genders. In Latin America, this problem is deeply rooted given the historical development of the region. Within… Leer más →

Imagen ilustrativa de un carrito de supermercado miniatura - Imagen de Alexa en Pixabay (Español) / Imagem ilustrativa de um carrinho de supermercado em miniatura - Imagem de Alexa no Pixabay (Português) / Illustrative image of a miniature supermarket trolley - Image by Alexa on Pixabay (English)

How Does Market Research Collaborate In Branding?

Marketing is a discipline that seeks to enhance the performance of brands. This task is extremely complex and requires various sciences and specialties to meet its objectives. Market Research aims to know in detail the suppliers and consumers as well as the elements that influence each other. Years ago there was only talk of 4 p: place, price, product and… Leer más →

Imagen ilustrativa de un carrito de supermercado miniatura - Imagen de Alexa en Pixabay (Español) / Imagem ilustrativa de um carrinho de supermercado em miniatura - Imagem de Alexa no Pixabay (Português) / Illustrative image of a miniature supermarket trolley - Image by Alexa on Pixabay (English)

¿Cómo Colabora El Market Research En Branding?

El Marketing es una disciplina que busca potencializar el desempeño de las marcas. Esta tarea es sumamente compleja y requiere de diversas ciencias y especialidades para cumplir sus objetivos. La Investigación de Mercados tiene como objetivo conocer al detalle a los ofertantes y consumidores así como los elementos que influyen entre ellos. Hace años se hablaba sólo de 4 p:… Leer más →

Imagen de un rostro fundido con líneas de código de programación - Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay (Español) / Imagem de um molde de rosto com linhas de código de programação - Imagem de Gerd Altmann do Pixabay (Português) / Image of a face cast with lines of programming code - Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (English)

What New Trends Are In Store For Market Research?

The 21st century has brought with it a series of transformations in science and everyday life. Things that we thought were far away in the 20th century, such as video conferencing and international mass travel, were only dreams for our grandparents. These transformations have also reached the practice of Market Research. Trends like Neuromarketing and online panels are now possible… Leer más →

Imagen ilustrativa de un grupo de jóvenes tomando clase (Español) / Imagem ilustrativa de um grupo de jovens fazendo aula (Português) / Illustrative image of a group of young people taking class (English)

Can We Interview Children In Market Studies?

Market Research is an activity with multiple possibilities. Consumers have many characteristics and each segment has different needs and capabilities. Children and young people are a group of people who consume products and services that we are also interested in studying. There are many categories that only apply to this sector: toys, specific foods for this age group, didactic material… Leer más →

Imagen ilustrativa de una mano clavando un dardo en el centro de una diana (español) / Imagem ilustrativa de uma mão cravando um dardo no centro de um alvo (Português) / Illustrative image of a hand sticking a dart into the center of a target (English)

4 New Year’s Resolutions For 2023

A new year has begun! And with it, many people set goals to achieve in the next 12 months. Brands and companies are no strangers to this practice and can define objectives that help them to be more assertive and efficient with the advice of Market Research. That is why we share four objectives that you can define and meet… Leer más →